Biz PLCDigimiz

Dunyoning istalgan nuqtasida sizning avtomatlashtirish bo'yicha hamkoringiz!

Biz haqimizda

Since its establishment in 2006, PLCDIGI has been building a simple-convenient and trusted solution in the field of automation. Provide customers high-quality and convenient services for the automation industry.

PLCDIGI is an authorized distributor with over 180,000 inventory, almost covering the automation field. After a long period of accumulation, we also share inventory with manufacturers and distributors to achieve price advantages, and quickly share resources to help you carry out your projects.

business negotiations

PLCDIGI not only provides high-quality online procurement services in the field of automation, but also provides thoughtful technical assistance and consulting services to help customers choose the most suitable products for themselves.

You can purchase and consult e-commerce of electrical, electronic material and components for industrial automation online through PLCDIGI.

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