2CDG110274R0011 ABB DG/S2.64.5.1

Qism raqami:2CDG110274R0011
PLCDigi NO:PLC-2CDG110274R0011
Tafsilotli ro'yxat:2CDG110274R0011
Tavsif:DG/S2.64.5.1 DALI Gateway, Premium,
yuk tashish; yetkazib berish:Butun dunyo bo'ylab DHL va UPS tomonidan
Kafolat:12 oy
Qaytish turi:Standart

Texnik xususiyatlari

Qism raqami 2CDG110274R0011
Brend ABB
Hayot davrasi Faol
o'rnatish usuli Surface mounting
kirish chastotasi 240 Pixel
batareyada to'lqin shakli 240 Pixel
batareyaning ishlash chastotasi 240 Pixel
odatdagi zaryadlash vaqti 240 Pixel
rang 240 Pixel

ABB 2CDG110274R0011 texnik xususiyatlar, atributlar, parametrlar.


For controlling DALI devices via the ABB i-bus® KNX. Two DALI outputs for up to 2x 64 DALI participants. DALI power supply is integrated. Control and status feedback is carried out via KNX per DALI participants (2x 64), with lighting groups (2x 16), together in broadcast or per scenes (2x 16). DALI devices type DT1 (Self-contained emergency converter acc. EN 62386-202) and type DT8 (colour temperature Tc / tunable white acc. EN 62386-209) will be supported. Extensive fault and error messages are available. By means of KNX and DT1 converter different emergency tests (e.g. function and duration test) can be triggered, test results are transferred back to KNX. With DT8 devices Dim2Warm, HCL, set and dim colour temperature are possible. Slave-, staircase-, force-, block- and scene- function are integrated. Feedback is sent. DALI telegram rate can change. Another function is the standby switch-off in combination with a KNX switch actuator (e.g. SA/S). From the ETS application version 2.0 the color functions RGB(W) and HSV(W) can be used. This allows the color of a lamp to be controlled, dimmed and set. In addition to scenes, 4 sequences per DALI output can be parameterized. It is also possible to integrate the DALI Gateways into a load control system. The DALI Gateways determine the operating hours. All these features can be used for individual EVGs and DALI groups. For diagnostic use and individual change of the DALI address or group assignment a separate software tool (ABB i-bus® Tool) is available.
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    FedEx International, 5-7 ish kuni.
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Tegishli kalit so'zlar

2CDG110274R0011 aksiya2CDG110274R0011 Narxi2CDG110274R0011 Sanoatni avtomatlashtirish
2CDG110274R0011 Komponentlar2CDG110274R0011 InventarizatsiyaYetkazib beruvchi 2CDG110274R0011
2CDG110274R0011 onlayn buyurtma qilingSo'rov 2CDG110274R00112CDG110274R0011 Rasm
2CDG110274R0011 Rasm2CDG110274R0011 PDF2CDG110274R0011 Ma'lumotlar jadvali
2CDG110274R0011 maʼlumotlar jadvalini yuklab oling2CDG110274R0011 sotib olingIshlab chiqaruvchi ABB
MavjudIchki zaxira • 4514
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Xususiyatli mahsulotlar


DG/S1.64.5.1 DALI Gateway, Premium,


SA/S12.16.6.2 Switch Actuator, 12-fold,


SA/S8.16.6.2 Switch Actuator, 8-fold,


SA/S4.16.6.2 Switch Actuator, 4-fold,


SA/S2.16.6.2 Switch Actuator, 2-fold,


SA/S12.16.5.2 Switch Actuator, 12-fold,


SA/S8.16.5.2 Switch Actuator, 8-fold,


SA/S4.16.5.2 Switch Actuator, 4-fold,

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